Le Document — Issue five

Le Document — Issue five

Once there was a time when we dreamed the working week would somehow be the length of the weekend and the weekend would be the length of a working week. It seemed crazy then. Yet here we are in 2020 and it’s almost a reality. How did we get here? Not via some clever capitalist wealth distribution system or even a communist directive to reduce productivity levels to artificially prop up a vulnerable currency. No, it was an almost sci-fi, HG Wellian virus that brought us to this reality. 

Our country is set for the worse recession in 300 years. Millions will lose their jobs, clubs and pubs and theatres will close and companies will go bust. The Sun newspaper and The Times are both in serious financial trouble. Over the last two years the Evening Standard has lost 23 million pounds. Le Document has not lost a penny and its readership continues to rise. Why? Maybe because we care about our readers and know what makes them happy? Issue 5 of Le Document features a dog called Lola, a photo of a tree receiving a hug, an interview with Tjinder from Cornershop and so much more. 

So, perch yourself on that fallen tree stump and lose yourself for half an hour or so with the kind of content that was compiled for you dear reader of Le Document. It has been our pleasure, nay honour, to bring it to you, we hope you enjoy every moment.

Stay alert and stay safe,
Chris and Harry

Cover image Ship in a bottle by Chris Tosic

web: www.christosic.com
instagram: @chris_tosic

Tjinder Singh from Cornershop

Tjinder Singh from Cornershop