Ivor Dembina
A remarkable Lockdown comedy innovation came from stand-up comedian Ivor Dembina. When the venues closed, Ivor took his live comedy straight out on to London's streets. Main photo by Lola Capstick
Le Document (LD) What have you liked about Lockdown?
Ivor Dembina (ID) Art galleries closed. The price of the T-Shirts!
LD How have you stayed free of Covid?
ID Mostly test and trace. The Judge called it stalking.
LD How has the pandemic changed you?
ID No longer go to the pub. When lockdown came in it was my round.
LD How are you doing for money?
ID Bad. Had to get a day job, but haven't earned a penny. Working from home, as a burglar.
LD What is your response to those who oppose vaccination?
ID Ticket to India and a lift to the airport.
LD When you look in the mirror what do you see?
ID A good-looking man, interesting face and beautiful eyes. Obvious narcissist — another thing I like about me.
LD What advice do you give young comics?
ID Give up, you're not funny.
LD What is currently the favourite joke on the street?
ID Why does Noddy wear a silver bell on the end of his hat? Because he's a cunt.
For more info on Ivor visit: www.thejoyofjokes.com
Ivor by the river by Gary Kimmelman