

LD How old is Ziggy, what star sign is he?

Ziggy is 6 years old. He is a Libra.

LD When is Ziggy happiest?

When the sun is out. He’s a heat seeking missile! Followed closely by when he’s sleeping. And eating.

LD Does your pet have hidden talents?

He will give you his paw on command. He also has a remarkable talent for mimicking baked goods.

LD Does Ziggy have a best friend?

The neighbour’s cat, Fluffy. They used to hang out in the garden together until Fluffy moved house.

LD Does Ziggy have any dislikes

Arch enemy Ernie- a bruiser who keeps encroaching on Ziggy territory. One particularly brutal fight required a trip to the vet for the pair of them. Luckily the cat parents are on good terms.

LD Is Ziggy interested in religion or politics

Ziggy worships the sacred gods of the fridge.

LD How good is ziggy at catching mice?

Extremely good. His record is four in one day. In the 3 years he’s been with us he’s probably brought us over 50, plus a few rats. We call him The Verminator.

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