Light on water by Beverley Daniels

Light on water by Beverley Daniels

Being by the sea restores me. This vast ocean mirrors the sky and gifts us the space in between to imagine, and breath. It smells of bacteria and seaweed pheromones, the sound of waves tirelessly crashing on the shore then dragging the stones with a loud shushing sound.

The curve of a wave interrupts a watery field of sparkles offering a glimpse beneath the surface. The sun fires flashes on it's ridge. Its heat warms me, lifts me.

I attempt to capture this rhapsody of white light and prisms with pigment. Keeping a fragment in a frame, an imitation of awe and hopefulness.

Beverley Daniels
September 2021

Le Document was founded in November 2019 by the artists Harry Pye and Chris Tosic. Le Document is the magazine for fantastic people. Please add your email and subscribe for free via the sign up button below.

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